Tuesday, October 1, 2019


NOTICE SIX MONTHS LEARN URDU CERTIFICATE COURSE Applications are hereby invited for “Six Months Learn Urdu Certificate Course in Urdu” offered by the P.G deptt. of Urdu, University of Jammu. The application from duly filled in all respects should reach the office of the undersigned before 25th of October 2019. The candidate who have no knowledge of Urdu are eligible for the apply for the course. The course fees is Rs.6000/- to be deposited in one installment at the time of submission of application form. Application form can be obtained from the office of the Deptt. of Urdu , Jammu University on all working days against cash payment of Rs.100/- (Non-refundable). The students who are doing L.L.B (Five year or Three year) are also eligible for the above mentioned course. For further information please contact Prof.Shohab Inayat Malik, HOD Urdu (Mob.No.94191-81351). No:PGD/URD/19/592-691 Dated: 26-09-2019